Resources for our Law Enforcement Partners

The Illinois Attorney General works with law enforcement at the state, local and federal levels to make communities safer. In addition to initiating investigations and bringing cases on numerous types of criminal activities, we provide many resources that that our law enforcement partners can utilize in our joint efforts to uphold the laws of Illinois and serve our residents.
OAG Law Enforcement Task Forces and Key Crime Fighting Initiatives
The Illinois Attorney General conducts investigations on civil and criminal matters and works with law enforcement entities to bring additional resources and expertise as required or requested.
Fighting Organized Retail Crime
Attorney General Raoul's Organized Retail Crime Task Force is comprised of career investigators and attorneys from the Attorney General's Criminal Enforcement Division working in concert with the FBI, the U.S. Secret Service, the Department of Homeland Security, the Illinois State Police, the Cook County Sheriff's Office, the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, and the Illinois Association of State's Attorneys.
Operationally, the task force works with local law enforcement and the retailers to conduct investigations and execute warrants. Many crime network cases arise from tips that surface through local policing.
The task force also accepts applications for grants that can fund local investigative initiatives to combat organized retail crime.
The Attorney General announced a $5 million grant program to enable law enforcement entities to take on organized retail crime by building local capacity. The task force each fiscal year accepts applications for grants that can fund local investigative initiatives, training, equipment, and overtime pay to combat organized retail crime.
Getting Crime Guns off the Street
Crime Gun Connect is a new, sophisticated data platform that my office developed to analyze firearms recovered in the commission of a crime. With this tool our local, state, and federal law enforcement partners can leverage this advanced technology to analyze crime-gun traces and identify gun trafficking patterns. This portal is available only to law enforcement entities that are enrolled in the federal eTrace platform.
Protecting Children from Online Predators
The Illinois Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC) operates through a grant from the Department of Justice and is one of 61 task forces across the nation. ICAC is designed to investigate child exploitation crimes and to provide Internet safety education.
The Illinois Attorney General's ICAC Task Force was comprised of over 550 Illinois-based federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies and prosecutor's offices as of December 31, 2022. Every community can benefit from ICAC resources. To learn how to start an ICAC affiliate in your community.
Battling Unemployment Insurance Fraud
Partnering with the FBI, the office established the Attorney General's Task Force on Unemployment Insurance Benefits Fraud. The task force will for the first time allow state and federal resources to be deployed on a large scale to combat unemployment insurance benefits fraud. U.S. Dept of Labor, FBI and local law enforcement officers who develop leads to possible unemployment benefits fraud work with the Illinois Attorney General's task force to build cases.
Investigating Consumer Fraud Criminal Cases
The Office of the Attorney General established the Civil Consumer Fraud Bureau and to handle criminal consumer fraud investigations and prosecutions. The unit works with law enforcement agencies to investigate consumer and elder fraud. The Unit handles single and multi-county cases committing home repair fraud in multiple counties. The office regularly consults with police agencies and state's attorney offices who are looking for guidance in their home repair fraud and consumer fraud investigations and cases.
Cracking Down on Medicaid Fraud
The Medicaid Fraud Control Bureau handles both criminal and civil actions regarding the Illinois Medicaid Program. By October of 2023 the transition of the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit from a federal grant through Illinois State Police to the OAG will be complete. The bureau will grow to include investigators, intelligence analysts, fraud examiners, data analysts, and forensic analysts. These individuals will investigate the referrals of health care fraud and will work hand in hand with the assistant attorneys general in the bureau to prosecute these cases.
Collaborating on Murder and Complex Criminal Cases
The Criminal Prosecutions/Trials Assistance Bureau investigates and prosecutes criminal offenses throughout Illinois. The Bureau provides assistance to State's Attorneys in two situations: when a conflict of interest exists that precludes the State's Attorney from prosecuting a case, and when a State's Attorney needs assistance due to the complexity of a case.
Guidance for Law Enforcement
Illinois and federal laws adapt quickly to respond to public safety. The Attorney General's Office issues guidance documents so that law enforcement can be aware and informed on their role related to the law. These documents are available:
- Immigration Issues and Law Enforcement
- Interactions with Individuals with Disabilities
- Labor Protests and Law Enforcement
- Hate Crimes
- Responding to Sexual Assault Crimes
- Working with Seniors
Trainings and Workshops Designed for Law Enforcement Partners
The Attorney General's Office provides many training opportunities designed specifically for our law enforcement partners. These events can help officers and prosecutors stay informed about new laws and public safety issues. Where applicable the trainings may fulfill professional development requirements.
Topics include:
- Internet Crimes Against Children
- Elderly Services Officer programs
- Firearm Restraining Order Training
- Preventing Targeted Violence
Downloadable Resources
These documents are useful as law enforcement conducts its work in various arenas:
- Short Form Notification
- Opening the Bench and Bar to People with Disabilities
- Firearm Restraining Order Fact Sheet for Law Enforcement
- Application For Death Benefits Pursuant To The "Line Of Duty Compensation Act"
- Law Enforcement Guide to Interacting with People with Autism
- Law Enforcement Guide to Interacting with People Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- Law Enforcement Guide to Interacting with People Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision
- What is Crime Gun Connect
- Written Statement of Explanation of Rights for Law Enforcement - Marsy's Rights